
Nova IVF Fertility

Gurgaon, India
Estb in 2022
25 km fron airport

Nova IVF Fertility (NIF) is one of the largest providers of fertility treatment services. NIF aims to provide advanced assisted reproductive technology (ART) in India, comparable to what is available globally. Although India has seen a significant increase in the number of patients opting for infertility treatments, the numbers are still extremely low compared to the number of couples currently seeking medical treatment. One of the main reasons for this is lack of awareness. People should be aware of the basic concept that infertility is a disease that can be treated medically. NIF was established with a commitment to provide standardized and ethical treatment of infertility, as well as to address the urgent need for an organized institutional provider of fertility treatment. In addition to offering basic procedures such as IUI, IVF and andrology services, NIF offers several advanced technologies such as vitrification for the preservation of embryos and eggs, embryoscopy and ERA (
Endometrial Receptor Array) to determine when the uterus has the capacity to receive embryos. All these procedures significantly improve the probability of pregnancy after IVF and ICSI, even in patients who have had several previous failures.

NIF also offers advanced techniques such as IMSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), where the embryologist performs the fertilization of oocytes (eggs) with an extremely powerful microscope to select sperm of the highest morphological quality. With its extensive international expertise, NIF provides the same exceptional level of processes, protocols and policies in India.

Why Choose NoorMediCare

Visa procedures can be sometimes time taking. Most of the time you may have to constantly follow up with the vendors. No one needs to bother all the hard work that is needed NoorMediCare itself will manage. NoorMediCare is tied-up with multiple insurance companies. Its experts would guide and help you to buy the best policy as per suitability.

Visa procedures can be sometimes time taking. Most of the time you may have to constantly follow up with the vendors. No one needs to bother all the hard work that is needed NoorMediCare itself will manage. NoorMediCare is tied-up with multiple insurance companies. Its experts would guide and help you to buy the best policy as per suitability.

Visa procedures can be sometimes time taking. Most of the time you may have to constantly follow up with the vendors. No one needs to bother all the hard work that is needed NoorMediCare itself will manage. NoorMediCare is tied-up with multiple insurance companies. Its experts would guide and help you to buy the best policy as per suitability.