
Dr. Ajay Kumar Kriplani

Designation :


Speciality :

General surgery

Location :


Experience :

41 Years year Experience

Hospital :

Fortis FMRI

Qualification :


Brief Profile:

Dr. Ajay Kumar Kriplani is a highly reputable and esteemed surgeon in India, renowned for his expertise in laparoscopic and gastrointestinal surgery. He stands as one of the pioneers who initially introduced laparoscopic surgery in the country, pushing its boundaries to new heights. Dr. Kriplani's contributions to the medical field are truly exceptional, as he holds the distinction of being the first surgeon in India to successfully perform laparoscopic adrenalectomy, splenectomy, and live donor nephrectomy for kidney transplant.


As a testament to his outstanding skill and dedication, Dr. Kriplani has garnered international recognition by receiving prestigious honors and accolades. Notably, he has been awarded the renowned Dr. S.R. Joglekar Award and has been invited to deliver the esteemed Dr. N. Sethuraman Oration. Moreover, his knowledge and expertise have been shared with numerous surgeons through his educational initiatives. Dr. Kriplani has played a pivotal role in training and educating hundreds of laparoscopic surgeons from India, as well as neighboring countries such as Nepal, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.


Dr. Kriplani's academic journey began at Ravi Shankar University in Raipur, Madhya Pradesh, where he earned his MBBS and MS degrees. Armed with a solid educational foundation, he has been invited to give guest lectures and demonstrate live laparoscopic procedures both within the country and internationally. His profound impact on the field of laparoscopic gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery has led to him being widely recognized as a national leader in this domain.


Furthermore, Dr. Kriplani held the esteemed position of "Past President" of the Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endosurgeons, further solidifying his influential stature in the medical community. His innovative contributions have been greatly appreciated, particularly his introduction of fellowship programs through the IAGES, which have garnered significant popularity and widespread acclaim.


With an extensive career spanning over 40 years, Dr. Kriplani has held affiliations with several prestigious medical institutions. These include Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, AIIMS, New Delhi, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, and Sitaram Bhartia Institute, New Delhi. Driven by his passion for medical education and groundbreaking research, he continues to take a keen interest in academic activities and remains dedicated to advancing the field of laparoscopic and gastrointestinal surgery.


  •  Dr. B N Balakrishna Rao Oration, Laparoscopic surgery of the adrenal gland
  •  Dr. N Sethuraman Oration, Laparoscopic surgery of the adrenal gland
  •  Oration, Current concepts in Laparoscopic Management of Morbid Obesity
  •  Distinguished Service Award, IMA Academy of Medical Specialities
  •  Dr. S R Joglekar Award, Best Article- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
  •  Best Citizens of India Award, International Publishing House, 2009
  •  eMedinewS Distinguished Speaker of the year, 2009, 2010
  •  eMedinewS Doctor of the year, 2011
  •  Best Paper Award, Surgical option in management of gallbladder carcinoma, UICC


  •  Association of Surgeons of India
  •  Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo-Surgeons
  •  Asia Pacific Hernia Society
  •  Hernia Society of India (HSI) affiliated to Asia Pacific Hernia Society, Founder member
  •  Obesity Surgery Society of India (OSSI) affiliated to International Federation for Surgery of Obesity (IFSO)
  •  Indian Association of Surgical Oncology (IASO)
  •  Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology

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